
I want to apologize in advance. If I do not respond to every comment on my blog I am sorry. I do read them all. . Also if you follow/read my blog and notice I haven't added you to my follow panel please let me know.

Thank you Kazzamm

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

1/25/11 - P90X - Food - Random

P90X - CardioX day. Yeah I'm a bit sick of CardioX too. :>

Food - 
8am  - Oatmeal & water
12pm - Chopped Steak, Salad, Sauteed mushrooms & water
6pm - grilled chicken, green beans, pasta roni & 24oz diet root beer (crosses fingers no migraine in the AM)

Random - 
Almost forgot to post today folks :D Looked at the phase 2 of P90X Lean. Since I want Sundays to be my off day I assumed I just skipped yesterdays work out. The only difference from Phase1 ->2 is a different arms video. Went from Shoulders & Arms ->Chest, Shoulders & Triceps. We will see how that goes tomorrow. Anyways have a good night folks. For once I'm not too chatty today


  1. Good luck with phase 2, I continue to hear good things about the program day in and day out

  2. Should try to do something else than cardio if you're bored so much, it helps your resolve

  3. your always so fit

    Following and supporting,
    come get player skills for the ladies
