
I want to apologize in advance. If I do not respond to every comment on my blog I am sorry. I do read them all. . Also if you follow/read my blog and notice I haven't added you to my follow panel please let me know.

Thank you Kazzamm

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2-1-11 P90X - Food - Random

Sorry I didn't post yesterday. Worked Sunday night then came home to take care of a little one with a cold so I was a bum as I got just some power napping in yesterday. Anyways on to today (Tuesday).

P90X - CoreX ... tried the Sphynx push-ups. Did a modified version ... aka I was a wimp and did them form my knees BUT have I mentioned I HATE! push-ups?

Food - 
8am - Lasagna & water
1pm - Lasagna & 12oz Mellow Yellow
6pm - Shepherds pie, strawberry nutrigrain bar & 12oz Mellow Yellow

Random - Somewhere I got out of the habit of eating oatmeal for breakfast. Definitely need to get back INTO the habit. :) I am finding it much more difficult to stick to non destructive eating habits than I am finding it to get in to the habit of exercising. But the positive thing is I am doing way better than 6 months ago soooo ... YEAH ME! :D
See ya'll tomorrow


  1. Push ups are my favorite exercise for some reason, I'll do 'em till my arms get jelly lol

  2. try METHYL TEST. That shit will show you what up. Seriously.

    Following and supporting

  3. hey...the ps3 was a working one but they gave me $130, more than any local place would despite the fact that i fixed it myself.... :)
    that was a Couple moths ago...

  4. have you tried doing p90x plyo? I heard that one was really rough.

  5. @watchman. Plyo will getcha, that's for sure.

    And I dunno if you've been trying to or not, but ditching all the pop really helps improve health and well being!
