
I want to apologize in advance. If I do not respond to every comment on my blog I am sorry. I do read them all. . Also if you follow/read my blog and notice I haven't added you to my follow panel please let me know.

Thank you Kazzamm

Friday, January 14, 2011

1/14/11 - P90X - Food - Random

P90X - Well folks I wimped out. I opted for the 45 min CardioX instead of the KenpoX workout. And I still didn't workout at 100% OI VEY! Is it tough to get back in the groove of working out.

Food - 
6am - banana & water
8am - hot dog on wheat bun & water
12pm - 2 ham and roast beef sandwiches on wheat & water
6pm - 2 chicken burritos on 24oz Mt Dew.

Random - 
I was thinking my food choices were bad but in retrospect not as bad as I thought. Granted a hot dog isnt good for you per se' but I feel like everything was in moderation. Although I was half way through the second burrito and I was like why did I warm up both of these. Im not this hungry. :< Still sleepy so see everyone tomorrow. Also ... will be out of town Sunday ... going to snow mtn in ATL so wont be able to post Sunday night. See ya'll tomorrow.


  1. Keep it up, once you start eating less, your stomach will get used to this and eventualy you won't be that hungry!

  2. When you had that revelation, halfway through the second burrito... Did you stop eating? Or did you finish eating it?

  3. big workout junkie here. Actually just got back from a 3 mile run.

    nice blog, just subbed to it.

    Make sure to follow mine at thewatchfanatic.blogspot.com

  4. Sadly I am of the mentality that I hate to waste food so yes I finished the 2nd burrito instead of putting it back in the fridge.
