
I want to apologize in advance. If I do not respond to every comment on my blog I am sorry. I do read them all. . Also if you follow/read my blog and notice I haven't added you to my follow panel please let me know.

Thank you Kazzamm

Saturday, January 15, 2011

1/15/110 - P90X - Food - Random

P90X - family day = no exercise. No real "exercise" tomorrow or Monday either. Going to a snow park tomorrow then day at a kids museum Monday with some fmaily friends.

Food -
5am - banana
7am - toasted roast beef sandwich on wheat & 12oz OJ
2pm - 1 bowl of chili w/ corn chips & hawaiian punch
7pm - 1 bowl of chili w/ corn chips & 12oz diet root beer

Random -
Will see everyone Tuesday night. Might post Monday night after we get back from weekend trip to snow mtn

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