
I want to apologize in advance. If I do not respond to every comment on my blog I am sorry. I do read them all. . Also if you follow/read my blog and notice I haven't added you to my follow panel please let me know.

Thank you Kazzamm

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

1/18/11 - P90X - Food - Random

P90X - Due to needing to leave for a funeral this afternoon and handling some paperwork type stuff I opted for the CardioX workout. Its a 40 minute workout instead of the hour of the others so when I am short on time I find this is a good alternative. The holiday season and inclement weather that had hit BHM and other assorted family matters has put my workout routine a bit behind track over the last month. I will endeavor to do better.

Food - 
8am - Bowl of hot and sour soup & 16oz of OJ
1:30 pm - 16 oz OJ (folks I had a diet root beer in the freezer getting nice and slushy and while WW pts say its better for me than the OJ I am going with the 'healthy' alternative)

Lunch and dinner will be eaten on the road/out of town so I will try my best to make good decisions. Chances are high though that I will end up at a family members house having some good ole country fixin's aka damn good nom nom noms :D

Random - not much to say today other than had fun over the weekend. & My office has been struck with an inordinate amount of deaths (not personnel but family) in the past year. I count 8 deaths in less than a year with only 14 direct employees for my department. Call me crazy but that just seems freakishly high. Anyways I am doubtful I will get a workout in tomorrow as I will be driving back in to town but I work tomorrow night then start a long week off so I am going to do my best to get my workout schedule back in a decent rhythm if not the full 6 on 1 off of the P90X calendar. See ya'll tomorrow


  1. Brian, I'm sorry for your (and your family's) loss.

  2. keep up the regime, i hear good stuff bout p90x daily

  3. nice. I wish i was in your shape

    Following n clickin please do the same

    Learn to pick up the ladies

  4. (your physical dexterity not your emotional state of loss)
